Saturday, August 10, 2019

Pictures to Share

As you may have noticed I have a new profile picture. It is a photo of my own "Nana" when she was 16 years old and right around the time she met my Grandpa at the rolling skating rink!

This week we have collected many bowls of cherry tomatoes. The orange ones are the sweetest but the red ones are the biggest! And basil. Always basil. I use it fresh or I dry it and use it throughout the winter months.
I made a loaf of bread. I usually use my bread machine to make the dough and then bake it in the oven. We like it better that way. I put some garlic and Italian herbs in this one for more flavor. Papa made many tomato sandwiches with this loaf. Yum!
This picture is of our four grands from the Fourth of July parade❤
We visited Papa's sister and brother-in-law. These flowers were in their front garden and we didn't know what kind they were, so if anyone has a clue what kind they are, please let me know! They are so pretty.

The next 2 pictures are cross-stitched quilts my own Grandma made in the 1980's. They are light-weight and perfect for summer sleeping.

It's hard to believe that we are already in August and summer is winding down in our part of the world. Before we know it we will be pulling out our sweaters and jackets again! Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I have those flowers in my back yard and they are called mallow - don't know the scientific name. Come back every year.

    Love the bedspreads.

    1. Thanks for letting me know the name of the flowers. I will let my sister-in-law know and be on the look-out for them for my own yard.

  2. If you have a smart phone you can download an app to identify that plant. Simply Google "The Best Plant Identification Apps" and several will come up tht you can use and identify yours.

    he picture of your grandmother is beautiful. I saw it earlier in the week and wondered about it.

    Lucky you to have all those great tasting tomatoes and basil coming in. I was eating some from my brother in laws garden yesterday.

    The quilts are beautiful and especially the bottom one with roses. I like to have a light quilt for summer sleeping.

    1. I have heard of those apps. Will have to try one out.

      I just love the old pictures, the way they dressed, hair, make-up.

      I'm sure you will be reading about my grandma again.

  3. Lovely quilts...the time it must have taken to make them!
    Grandmothers are amazing arent they. My own dear Nana was the biggest influence of my life... She taught me so much and left a gaping hole when she left us. Beautiful photo
    Phoebe x

    1. I have so many things that my grandma made. She was always busy. Grandmothers are amazing!
